Publishing & Editing Lecture

The annual Publishing & Editing Lecture brings to the university accomplished working professionals, alumni and leaders in the publishing industry to engage students, faculty and the public in conversations about contemporary practice and change in the industry. The purpose of the series is to address and explore the current technologies, cultures and politics shaping the future of all sectors of the industry — trade, independent, university and educational — as well as retail, wholesale and nonprofit distributors.

Headshot of Carmen Giménez

Carmen Giménez

Feb. 7, 2025 at 7 p.m.

Stretansky Concert Hall


Director and Publisher of Graywolf Press, Carmen Giménez is the author of numerous poetry collections, including Milk and Filth, a finalist for the NBCC Award in Poetry, and Be Recorder, a finalist for the 2019 National Book Award for Poetry, the PEN Open Book Award, the Audre Lorde Award for Lesbian Poetry and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. She was awarded the Academy of American Poets Fellowship in 2020. A 2019 Guggenheim Fellow, she served as Publisher of Noemi Press for 20 years.

Past speakers

  • 2024: Shaye Areheart, The Future of Book Publishing: A Perspective from the Columbia Publishing Course
  • 2023: Tajja Isen, The Editor as Listener
  • 2022: John Gall, Title, Author and Maybe Some Kind of Image
  • 2021: Jennifer Baker, Book Publishing Here & Now and Ready for Change
  • 2020: Lisa Pearson, On the Small and Contrary
  • 2018: Cheryl Ball, Digital Publishing and the Liberal Art
  • 2018:  Jennifer Weis, Publishing in a Time of Hyperinformation
  • 2017 Christina Harrington ’12, Passion and Editing Comics

Lectureships & Speaker Series 

Susquehanna’s diverse selection of lectureships and speaker series brings together esteemed scholars, industry leaders and influential voices to share their expertise and perspectives with the campus community. These events serve as vibrant platforms for critical thinking, fostering a culture of intellectual exploration and innovation.

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